Welcome to the website that aims to to add more to the story of the Hedley Boys through photos and information. If you have any photos or stories relating to the Hedley Boys, would like to know more about them or to just leave a comment, please use the “Contact Us” box at the bottom of the page.

A Small Town’s Big Part in the Great War
A 9 part podcast series on the men who left to go to war and of the town they left behind.

Episode 9 Hedley Boys, Grief, Relief and Commemoration – Hedley Boys, A Small Town's Big Part in the Great War
The last 3 months of the War bring yet more pain and grief to Hedley and the men still serving. In 1919 the survivors return and decide on commemorating their fallen comrades with one of the earliest WW1 memorials in Canada. Support the show
- Episode 9 Hedley Boys, Grief, Relief and Commemoration
- Episode 8 Hedley Boys, War Weary Hedley
- Episode 7 Hedley Boys Disaster at Vimy Ridge
- Episode 6 Hedley Boys The 54th go to war
- Episode 5 Hedley Boys "This War is Hell"
- Episode 4 Hedley Boys 1916 The hardest year
- Episode 3 Hedley Boys "One of the biggest affairs Hedley has seen"
- Episode 2 Hedley Boys, Baptism of Fire
- Episode 1 Hedley Boys, A small town in the Similkameen


Photos. These photos are of some of the Hedley Boys and the 54th Battalion. They are intended to give the listener of “Hedley Boys” a picture to go with the words of some of the men featured. More photos will be added over time. There are still a number of men who do not have an identified photo and as such any photos of Thomas Calvert, Arthur Doc Martin, Charles Christiana would be greatly appreciated.

- University of British Columbia digital online archives
- Canadian Government online digital archives
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission Online
- Ancestry.com
- Hedley Museum
- Keremeos Museum
- Princeton Museum
- Jennifer Douglass
- The Knowles/LLoyd Family
- The Jack/Wightman Family
- The Schubert/Tipple Family
- The Dollemore/Dolden Family
- The Lorenzetto/Brewer Family
- The Lucas Family
- Kim English
Selected Bibliography
- “A Proper Slaughter”: The March 1917 Gas Raid at Vimy Ridge by Tim Cook Canadian War Museum 1999
- “The Battlefields of the First World War: The Unseen Panoramas of the Western Front” Imperial War Museum, Jeremy Banning/Richard Holmes, Constable Publishing. 2013
- “Vimy” Pierre Burton. Pen and Sword Publishing 1986
- “Mud, Blood and Poppycock” Gordon Corrigan, Cassell Publishing 2003
- “The First World War, An Illustrated History” John Keegan, Hutchinson Publishing 2001
- “Great Battles of World War 1” Anthony Livesey, Guild Publishing 1989
- “Wounded, From Battlefield to Blighty 1914-1918” Emily Mayhew, Bodley Head Publishing 2013
- “To Win a War: 1918 The Year of Victory” John Terraine, Cassell Publishing 1978
Selected Social Media and Websites
- The Great War 1914-1918 The Rage of Men http://Visit Websitehttp://www.therageofmen.com/
- WW1 Colourised Photos https://www.facebook.com/pg/ww1incolour/photos/?tab=album&album_id=450835521726972
- The Great War the Online Video Series http://www.youtube.com/thegreatwar
- 54th Battalion CEF website
- Wikipedia
- The Canadian Online Memorial Project
- Find A Grave